Tamil eelam shirt
Tamil eelam shirt

tamil eelam shirt

Our propagandas created a massive political consciousness not only among students but also among the Tamil people of North and East.

tamil eelam shirt

By the last days of 1970, we have rallied large number of students and had build up Manavar Peravai into a strong organization. Then we proceeded to Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitheevu, Vavuniya, Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Amparai districts, undertook propaganda and recruited new members. Meanwhile we under took propaganda in many parts of Jaffna and inducted many students into Manavar Peravai.


I will update in detail many information and incidents connected to Prabaharan later. This was related to me later by Prabaharan. This incident could be noted as the first anti- Government activity in the history of the liberation struggle for Tamil Eelam, led by Prabaharan. On the last day of the 1970 December G.C.E (O.L), during the twilight hours, of the morning they hanged an effigy Badi-ud-deen written on it, from a branch of a Neam tree at Vembadi. Sivapali alias Sivapalan, Kulam alias Kulasingam, Thambiyaiah alias Rajendra and Nades along with Prabaharan and his long time close friend Mahendrarajah alias Mohan participated in this activity. He stuffed hay, rags and cotton into his father’s clothes and made the effigy. Using a khaki coloured trouser and an old shirt of his father he made an effigy of Badi-ud deen with the help of his reliable friends. On the guise of combine study with Surajan, Prabaharan would leave his home and he planned the anti-Badi-ud-deen activity there. All the members of the Yogaguru house hold, except Prabaharan’s friend and a younger son of Yogaguru, Surajan, were away at Maharagama. Yogaguru was running an eating house at Maharagama in the south. He secretly made the preparation in a house belonging to one Yogaguru, located at Vembadi area in Valveddithurai. Prabaharan decided to teach a lesson to him utilizing a conducive opportunity. During the conversation with him I also told him about Badi-ud-deen. Although I had advised Prabaharan to wait till G.C.E (O.L) and to concentrate on the examination the liberation flame blazing inside his heart did not permit him to concentrate on the exam. I returned to Jaffna and immersed myself in Manavar Peravai Propaganda works. They came up to the bus stand and saw me off. The meeting with should have given them much satisfaction. It is notable that Prabaharan who was born in 1954 had passed only two days after his 16 th birthday when he joined the Thamil Manavar Peravai.Īt the end of the meeting that day, I advised them to prepare well for examination and bid them good-bye after promising them to meet them after the examination. This became the first step to the Himalayan contributions of Prabaharan toward the Liberation Struggle of Tamil People. Yellow coloured membership cards were given to them as evidence of their membership. Prabaharan and his friend Sureshkumar were the first students who joined the Thamil Manavar Peravai after it was formed on 23 rd November 1970. Although I had earlier refused requests from some students after the end of the meeting held at the Community Centre, attracted by the eagerness with which Prabaharan talked with me, I consented to take him and Sureshkumar into Manavar Peravai. I was reluctant to take him in as he was not an Advanced Level student and I asked him to wait till he reached Advanced Level.īut I could not push aside the insistence and the commitment of Prabaharan to join the Manavar Peravai. After further clarifying about the standardization on a Tamil- Sinhala language basis, he asked me to take him as a member of the Manavar Peravai. We reached Sureshkumar house and our conversation continued inside Sureshkumar’s house. After meeting in front of the community Centre we talked and walked towards the house of Sureshkumar. Prabaharan, who was waiting for around 2 hours outside, came to when I came out after meeting, identified himself, and clarified some matters I have talked in the previous day’s meeting at Sithampara College. In this episode, I will detail what we talked about in this first meeting and about some incidents happened afterwards. In my last episode I noted about Thamby Prabaharan, who asked to be allowed in the meeting I had with Kuddimany, Thangathurai and several others in Valvettithurai on, was refused, and that he waited till the end of the meeting, and met me with his friend Sureshkumar, in front of the community Centre, when I came out after meeting.

Tamil eelam shirt